Friday, October 17, 2008

World's Best Blogger!

I wish I could say I was the World's Best Blogger, but I'm probably a little closer to the World's Worst Blogger! I have not been doing so good at keeping this updated every week like I told you all I would do. So, anyway, here are a few pictures of the fun things we have been doing.


Leslie said...

He is so cute. Looks like you are doing well. Landon seems to be just as adventurous as Isaac was. Good luck with that!

melissa said...

Love that Landon looks so happy on the time out chair.

Fun to chat today!

Aimee said...

Wow! He is getting so big! I can't wait to see all the little guys for Halloween.
I love the pic of him making a mess in his room. Charlie likes to pull all of his clothes out of his drawers and play in them.

Nat & Joe said...

I beat you by a landslide on the worlds worst blogger. How was your craft night? I wanted to come but already signed up to make a bunch of stuff for our Wards Super Saturday. Your little guy is getting so big! It goes too fast doesn't it?

Cara and Gerriss said...

You're little man is so adorable! If you want the cards back you have to come over and visit teach me...!! Ha ha! Just kidding! You are just so much better at making them than I was, so I took yours. You can totally have them back really. Angie just said she didn't think you wanted them or needed them....sorry!